48th Human Rights Council Reports
48th Human Rights Council 13
All sources used to draft the reports on the 18th meeting can be found here Reports drafted by Amine Meharzi on September 23rd, 2021.
Composition of the HRC
Madam Vice-President Monique T.G. Van Daalen opened the meeting on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order on the 23rd of September by 15:00
Madam Karen Konig Abuzayd Special Rapporteur of the Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic (COIS): Madam Abuzayd began by informing that violence did not end after a decade of conflict. President Assad entered his fourth term in office and violations of IHL were still ongoing. The Syrian economy deteriorated, riverbeds dried out and mechanisms to hinder COVID-19 expansion are inexistent meaning that Syria would not be ready to accept its diaspora. The cease-fire agreement of 2020 between Russia and Turkey had been unraveled. Hospitals are targeted by aerial bombings and ground attack causing numerous casualties.
Next to the humanitarian violations caused by Assad's government, other parties engage in violations of IHL:
The terrorist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) imposed restrictions on freedom of speech in in its occupied areas.
The Syrian National Army (SNA) continued to deny freedom to civilians and engaged in torture and violence against Kurds in its areas.
The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continued to keep 10'000 former Islamic State (IS) fighters in their prisons. Among them are 750 boys. Since IS's defeat, thousands of women and children were still forced to stay in IDP camps (Internal Displacement Persons). The security in its territories worsened as violence and discontent mounted.
The issues at stake today:
40'000 children from different nationalities were held in camps of Northeast Syria. Even though some of the children could return home, most of the remaining are deprived of their liberty and basic rights. According to the Special Rapporteur, these children must be protected at all costs.
Mass arrests of demonstrators and appaling conditions in detention zones were common in the areas of all conflicting parties.
Root causes of the conflict remained unaddressed and unresolved
All conflictual parties engaged in violations or abuse of Syrian citizens.
The Special Rapporteur's recommendations for UN-member states were the following:
Create a mechanism with an international mandate to coordinate and consolidate claims regarding the missing people.
Remove all obstacles to humanitarian aid
Put the interests of the Syrians first: Help release the arbitrarily detained, locating the missing people and reunite the families.
Country affected by the crisis
Syria regretted that countries were using the Council to spread fabricated, impartial and unfounded rumors on the country. Syria criticized the Council for not reporting on Israeli, Turkish and American attacks in Syria. They claimed, that these countries supported terrorists, attempted to steal Syrian natural resources and deprived Syria from its right of development. Syria noted the US-American airstrike of 2017 that killed more than 50 civilians. Turkey was blamed for weaponizing water reserves of the Euphrates and using it to blackmail the Syrian population in its occupied territories. According to Syria, this would be a crime against humanity and collective punishment. Turkey sabotaged and subverted Idlib which became a haven for terrorist groups. The country also mentioned the Turkish invasion of Afrin causing numerous deaths, destruction of schools and displacement of thousands. Syria then asked why the COIS reports did not address all those IHL violations. Syria did not expect a response from the COIS since the country believed that the commission was heavily sponsored by these states.
Syria informed that the unilateral coercive measures caused great suffering to the Syrian population and hindered the country's recovery efforts. Syria refused to give legitimacy to these measures but rather categorized them as collateral damages and humanitarian crimes.
The COIS continued to be criticized for various reasons:
The COIS did not recognize the administrative efforts of Syria and the government's duty to libertate its territories from terrorists and occupying states.
The COIS's report was not objective.
The COIS was not mandated to assess the presidential elections of Syria as they were the internal affairs of the country.
The COIS categorized the oil refineries and the traffic of stolen oil in territories occupied by terrorists or Turkey as center of economic and human activity which would be unprofessional, illegal and unethical.
The COIS mentioned chemicals attacks in its report which would be outside of its mandate.
Statements by States and International Organizations
Finland on behalf of Nordic-Baltic countries was deeply concerned by the humanitarian violations in Syria such as the arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances or gender-based violence. Syria had to become again safe and stable in order to welcome the 6.8 Syrian refugees worldwide. The Nordic-Baltic countries stated the water and food penury in Alouk and the problem of hygiene causing the COVID-19 situation to worsen locally. They stated that they would continue to support the UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution 2254 and the International Impartial and Independent Mechanism (IIIM). Finally, they asked what needed to be done in order to guarantee humanitarian access in the region.
European Union (EU) condemned violations perpetrated by all parties, especially by the government of Assad. The EU called for the immediate end of airstrikes and demanded all engaged parties to abide to humanitarian law. It reiterated the implementation of the UNSC's resolution which would be to refer the situation to the International Criminal Court (ICC). The EU stated its concerns about the vulnerable people such as women, children or person with disabilities and concluded that Syria would not be ready to welcome its diaspora.
Germany allied with the statement of the EU. The country expressed concern about the denial of human rights and continued violence against Syrian people. Germany called all parties to respect their humanitarian obligation. It also supported the OPCW Investigation and Identification Team and the IIIM that would persecute and held accountable the human rights violators. Finally, Germany asked how the international community could contribute on finding the missing people in Syria.
Qatar condemned the airstrikes, the siege and the casualties caused by Assad's army on Daraa. It also condemned the attacks on the civilian facilities such as schools or hospitals, the forced disappearances and violence in Syrian prisons. Qatar called for an end of hostilities and a national cease-fire. Finally, Qatar stated the importance of accountability in this conflict and finding a political solution that meets the demands of the Syrians based on UNSC's resolution 2254.
Liechtenstein called the different armed groups to put an end to the various humanitarian violations and to hold the violators accountable through the IIIM or the ICJ. The country regretted that Assad's regime was not ready to cooperate.
Greece condemned the IHL violations committed by all parties and expressed its concerns about the airstrikes in North-West Syria. Turkey was also blamed for its involvement in the conflict. Finally, Greece would like to know the human rights' impact of Turkey's recruitment of Syrians as soldiers in conflicts in Syria, Libya and Nagorno-Karabach.
United Arab Emirates (UAE) stated its deep concerns for the continuous violence committed by terrorists and states because it threatened the unity and integrity of Syria. The UAE would continue to work in confronting all types of extremist violence. The UAE also mentioned its supply of COVID-19 Vaccines and its economic support to Syria. For the UAE, the solution to the crisis must be political.
Israel stated its deep concerns about the IHL violations and war crimes committed by the Syrian government. It noted with grief how Assad's regime targeted healthcare facilities and killed its medical personnel. Israel recommended the COIS to focus on Iran's military presence in Syria.
France stated the continued humanitarian violations committed by the Syrian government such as torture, gender-based violence or shelling civilians. France called the regime to guarantee full humanitarian access to the country and to protect its population.
Switzerland condemned the siege tactics, the targeting of civilians and civilian facilities as well as the arbitrary arrests and torture. It called all parties to immediately put an end to the IHL violations and especially respect the human rights of prisoners. Switzerland asked the COIS how the humanitarian situation could deteriorate even though the hostilities were decreasing.
Australia condemned the regime's airstrikes on civilians, its use of "improvised weapons" and its continuing ethnic cleansing. It called on all armed parties to facilitate humanitarian assistance in Syria. Australia then asked how Assad's regime could support an UN-sponsored peace process.
Ecuador shared its concerns on the various IHL violations such as forced disappearances or civilian killings. It noted the 60% of the population who suffered from food insecurity and the 27'000 children lived in camps in deplorable conditions. Finally, it called the conflicting parties to negotiate and find a political-diplomatic solution.
Luxembourg thanked the COIS for the report and called all parties to fully cooperate with the Commission and guarantee humanitarian access into the region. Luxembourg condemned the systematic IHL violations and called the SC to refer the situation to the ICJ. Finally, Luxembourg mentioned the independent mechanism for enforced disappearances. It wanted to know how this mechanism could cooperate with the International Commission for Missing Persons, the Independent Investigation Mechanism for Syria and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Kuwait grieved that no party in the conflict supported the United Nations SecretaryGeneral (UNSG) call for a worldwide cease-fire. It called the parties in conflict to put an end to the conflict, abide to international instruments and facilitate the humanitarian access to the internally displaced. Kuwait was concerned about the IHL violations causing among others the deterioration of the health system and aggravation of the COVID-19 situation in Syria. The country recommended the UN member state to continue giving humanitarian assistance to help the Syrian people. Finally, Kuwait stated its support for the ICRC's call to release the arbitrarily detained and reveal the fate of the missing people.
Armenia reminded that mercenarism was a crime against humanity. It informed that Azerbaijan and Turkey were recruiting fighters for the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. Therefore, Armenia demanded the COIS to investigate the facts on mercenary recruitment in the territory of Syria and its impacts on human rights.
Egypt stated its concerns about Syrian civilians and the humanitarian violations committed by the armed forces, especially the terrorists. Egypt called up the international community to blame Syria's neighboring countries that were expanding into Syria, supporting terrorists and recruiting mercenaries for other conflicts. According to Egypt, the solution had to be political and respect the UNSC's Resolution 2254.
Iraq stated that external interference undermined the process of finding a solution. Iraq made clear that the future solution must guarantee the voluntary return of Syrian refugees into a safe and stable country with job opportunities. The country mentioned that it ranked fourth in hosting Syrian refugees. Finally, Iraq demanded the international community to contribute with humanitarian assistance and guarantee the unity of the Syrian territory.
Albania noted that the violations of IHL are inacceptable. Albania called the conflicting parties to assure the protection of children, hold the violators accountable, liberate the arbitrarily detained and allow humanitarian assistance with no restrictions. Finally, Albania called all parties to engage into a political solution and stated its support to the UNSC's resolution 2254.
Venezuela informed that three annual resolutions deal with the situation in Syria, which was a clear sign of the politicization of the Council. To date, there were twenty resolutions on the Syrian situation which were according to Venezuela "baseless accusations against the country". The Council was violating the principles and purposes of the UN because it was not respecting "the sovereignty, self-determination and territorial integrity of Syria". Venezuela stated its hopes for a political process that supported peacebuilding in Syria.
Netherlands aligned with the EU statement and condemned the decade-long IHL violations. The Netherlands noted how countries were taking steps to seek justice for humanitarian violations in Syria. Finally, the country asked how families can be integrated in the search for missing people.
Bahrain was concerned about Syria's humanitarian and epidemic situation. It called the conflicting parties to respect the most basic principles of IHL and end the attacks on civilian facilities. Finally, Bahrain stated its support for the UNSC's Resolution 2254 and hoped for a political solution.
Cuba stated its hopes for a peaceful solution and stressed the importance to hinder foreign intervention into the conflict. Cuba condemned all forms of terrorism in Syria and elsehere. Finally, Cuba stated its support for the Syrian people but rejected all political solutions that would not integrate the agreement of Syria's government.
Malta aligned with the statement of the EU, condemned various IHL violations and called conflicting parties to abide to IHL principles. Malta agreed with the COIS that the arbitrarily detained must be set free and that all forms of violence on civilians must end. Malta concluded by inviting the conflicting parties to guarantee access to humanitarian actors and engage in a nation-wide cease-fire.
North Korea stated its continued support to the government of Syria in the fight against terrorism. It criticized the biased approach against Syria under the pretext of human rights. North Korea proposed to the Council to respect the integrity, sovereignty and unity of the country, to name the counterterrorist efforts of Syria and to condemn all illegal activities on the ground. North Korea condemned the politicization and double standards of the Council and reiterated the counterproductivity of foreign interference in Syrian affairs.
USA stated that it continued to stand with the Syrian people's demand and are concerned about the killed and detained civilians. The USA noted the need of an immediate political solution. Finally, they wanted further inspections on the fate of the Syrian refugee returnees.
Russia criticized the COIS efforts for being opportunistic, impartial and pursuing the interests of states who wanted to overthrow the "legitimate Government of Syria". Russia mentioned that the COIS was not mandated to report about chemical weapons. In addition, the report was considered one-sided and biased for not covering the foreign occupation in Syria and the application of unilateral sanctions. Therefore, Russia believed that the COIS's conclusions were harming the peace process and dividing the international community.
Belarus criticized a "group of western countries" for imposing their agenda. According to Belarus, the existence of the COI was counterproductive as it was not recognized by Assad's regime. Belarus noted the absence of unilateral coercive measures against Syrian people in the report. Therefore, Belarus asked the COIS about the impact of these sanctions on human rights in Syria. The country wanted also to know if the COIS was in contact with the PMO (Partnered military operation). Since Belarus believed in a politicization within the HRC, it did not support the COIS efforts to establish a mechanism on Syria. Finally, Belarus called the Council to end the "politicized approach".
Ireland aligned with the statement of the EU. Ireland stated the various IHL violations and called the parties in conflict to engage in a nationwide ceasefire. The country asked how the international community can protect the health and humanitarian workers in Syria.
Turkey stated its continued support to the Syrian people and noted the IHL violations within Syria. Turkey rejected the allegations of Greece, Armenia and the Syrian government and stated that the Assad regime was the "main perpetrator" of IHL violations. Turkey criticized the report for not condemning attacks perpetrated by regional rebel groups such as SDF, PKK or YPG. Finally, Turkey stressed the importance of finding a political solution.
Brazil grieved the different forms of violence on the Syrian people. It noted its support for the UNSC's resolution 2585 stipulating a plan to aid 3,4 million Syrians in Northwest Syria. Finally, it stated its support to a nationwide ceasefire and the importance of a political agreement.
Belgium aligned with the declaration of the EU and stated its concerns about the humanitarian, economical and health situation in Syria. It condemned the IHL violations, especially the siege tactics, attacks on civilian infrastructure and systematic torture. Belgium asked about the most urgent measures to identify the condition of the missing persons and prisoners.
China stated that the foreign intervention only made the situation worse for the Syrian people. It proposed to pursue a political solution and transfer the issue to UN diplomats. China blamed the UK and the USA for causing civilian casualties and hindering the recovery of the country. It called these to respect the integrity and sovereignty of Syria and lift all unilateral coercive measures. Finally, China stated the Council inefficiency as it spent years informing about the humanitarian situation without presenting any positive changes.
Cyprus aligned with the EU statement and stated its support to the UNSC Resolution 2585. Cyprus condemned the IHL violations such as gender-based violence, recruitment of child soldiers or destruction of cultural heritage and called all parties to end the conflict.
Italy stated the various IHL violations such as systematically targeting civilians, arbitrary detention, gender-based violence, torture or forced disappearances. It urged the parties to end the violations and to reveal the fate of the missing persons and detainees. Italy stated the importance of accountability and fighting impunity to restore justice, stability and peace.
Georgia shared its concerns about the IHL violations of the Syrian government and stated that Syria was not safe for refugees to voluntarily return. Georgia agreed with the COIS on the importance of releasing detained political prisoners. Georgia called on Assad's regime to cease attacks on the population and provide unrestricted humanitarian access. Finally, the country declared the 2021 Syrian presidential elections illegitimate because the entire Syrian population could not participate in it.
Jordan stated four factors that could contribute to peace in Syria:
Intensify international efforts to reach a political solution that responds to the civilians' needs, guarantees the territorial integrity of Syria, eliminates terrorism, restores stability and provides conditions for voluntary return of refugees.
Adopt new approaches as the previous ones have failed.
Take practical steps to improve the life of various Syrians.
Jordan mentioned how it helped hosting 300'000 Syrians. Therefore, the international community was invited to support host countries as Jordan.
Chili stated its concerns on the devasting impact of the IHL violations on the vulnerable people and the COVID-19 situation in Syria. Chili mentioned that a strong commitment to bring peace was needed during this crisis. Finally, Chili stated that the conflict needed a non-military and political solution.
The United Kingdom (UK) condemned all abuses and violations of IHL stating that Assad's regime was the primary source of these violations. UK stated its concerns about the siege and airstrikes on Dara'a or the general water and food penury in the country. The UK called for a de-escalation of the conflict and for unrestricted humanitarian aid. The UK asked the COIS on which topics it wanted to focus next.
Romania aligned with the EU and called the parties in conflict to end the violence between each other, abide to the IHL and implement the UNSC Resolution 2254 and 2012 Geneva communiqué. Romania stated the importance of accountability in order to achieve sustainable peace.
Nicaragua criticized the creation of the COIS as it was rejected by Assad's regime. The Council was also criticized as it did not improve but exacerbated the humanitarian situation of Syria. Nicaragua stated its support to Assad's regime that restored peace and fought terrorists. Finally, Nicaragua recommended the UN member states to respect the self-determination, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria and stop supporting destabilizing plans.
Japan condemned IHL violations and called the conflicting groups to engage into a nationwide ceasefire and ensure the protection of human rights. The country reiterated its support to work closely with international partners to bring peace to the situation.
Iran classified the situation in Syria as an unjust war that included terrorists who are problematic for finding peace. The unilateral measures of the USA are condemned for having exacerbated the humanitarian situation and furthered the suffering of the Syrians. Assad's regime was called out to protect the people from terrorist attacks. Iran then stated that the international community had to condemn the IHL violators such as the occupiers in Syria. Iran stressed the importance to hold the Israeli regime accountable for its repeated violence against Syrians.
Sri Lanka stated the counterproductivity to adopt country-specific resolutions as they limited the cooperation on the issue. It mentioned the contribution of external actors that exacerbated the conflict. The HRC was recommended to engage in impartial and objective dialogue with the Syrian government and end the process of formulating new resolutions.
Saudi Arabia was concerned about the situation of Syria and the violations of IHL. The country stated that the absence of an international will contributed to a prolonged crisis and the opportunity of some parties to expand into Syrian territory. Saudi Arabia stressed the need of a political solution.
Response of the COIS to statements and questions
The president Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro of the COIS responded to the following questions:
Russia stated that the fight against terrorism had been forgotten in the document. The president informed that the matter was documented but reminded that the war on terror could not justify the different types of IHL violations observed on the ground such as attacks on school, hospitals or the arbitrary detentions.
Syria demanded explications on the US-American airstrikes on the school in Al-Mansura, Raqqah. The President informed that in the 15th report they examined the strike and classified it as IHL violations. The 19th report also examined the displacement that this airstrike caused.
Belarus was informed that the COIS always criticized and condemned economic sanctions and stated that all obstacles on aid and humanitarian assistance should be removed.
Responses of Hanny Megally
Response to Finland: The COIS was calling for all parties to allow humanitarian access. However, it was not possible for the COIS since 70% is controlled by the Syrian government. Also, to access the remaining 30% of Syria, a permission from Damascus was needed. There was also only one border to enter the country.
Response to Germany, Netherlands and Luxembourg on establishing a mechanism for the missing people: The COIS stated that it was necessary that the relevant actors come together and coordinate the information to be more efficient. An impartial and universal mechanism with expertise was needed.
Greece, Armenia asked for children soldiers and mercenaries: The COIS work was limited on Syria. However, the COIS always considered arming children as one of the 6th violations of child rights in armed conflicts. Some conflicting parties in Syria told the Commission that they would stop recruit children.
Response to Switzerland: The COIS hoped that the humanitarian situation would improve after election, the temporary ceasefire and with Assad regaining control over 70% of Syria. However, the COIS observed a return of practices of displacement of minorities to the North, siege tactics in the South, clashes in the North-East, aerial bombardments, assassinations, food shortages, crashing economy and rising COVID-19 infections.
Response to Australia: The COIS stated that there are many outsiders involved in Syria that have the responsibility to find a solution
Response to the USA: The reprisals and torture on returning refugees can be found on the report.
COIS reiterated its call on not targeting health workers. All of the international community should speak against this. The UNSG and instigated and UNSC added it to its agenda also.
The Interactive Dialogue was closed by 15:00 on 23rd of September 2021 by the Vice-President. She then declared a short break before the Interactive Dialogue with the Commission of Inquiry on Burundi
24th September 2021: ITEM 4 OHCHR oral update on the extent of civilian casualties in the Syrian Arab Republic (HRC res. 46/22)
All sources used to draft the report can be found here. Report drafted by Siran Cheng on September 27, 2021.
Composition of the HRC
Ms. Michelle Bachelet High Commissioner for Human Rights stated that resolution 46/22 requested her office to resume its work on the extent of civilian causalities in Syrian Arab Republic. The update will include methodologies included and the information collected. An investigation was already set out in 2013 and 2014, but due to security risks and not being able to verify the work, the work was suspended. In the last update of august 2014, 191369 casualties were reported. The individuals included in the report include only those who are identifiable, established date of death and in a recognize governorate. On this basis, 350209 identified causalities between March 2011 and March 2021 were found. The most were killed in Aleppo. Ms. Bachelet reiterate the call for an investigate mechanism with strong international support to continue this work.
Syrian Arab Republic is not in the room.
General debate
France on behalf of 26 countries that are European Union member states, calls upon the government appointed by the Taliban's to respect international law. In Belarus, France condemns the repressive campaign against civil society. Remains concerned of the Tigray region. In Russia, France condemns the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. Remains concern of the repeatably cycles of violence in the occupied Palestinian zones. In China, France calls for them to act in line with human rights obligations and encourage the High Commissioner to focus on Xinjiang and in Hong Kong, France remains concerned about the National Security Law. We are greatly concerned of the violations of human rights in Myanmar after the coup d'état. France recognizes the role of Egypt in its region's stability. In the Philippines, France is concerned about the enforced disappearances and deaths related to the anti-drug campaign. In Venezuela, France remains highly concerned of the violations against human rights. France is also concerned of the violations against human rights in Turkey.
Egypt on behalf of the Arab group. The Arab group stresses the preservation of human rights and dignity is the foundation of all human rights. Thus, rejecting any practices that would deviate the human rights council from its main mandate. We reject the targeting certain states which contradicts the statement made by the council.
Pakistan on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation highlights that the work should be carried out with universality and objectivity. Accordingly, the council should foster discussion. All human rights should be emphasized on the same basis. The OIC reiterate the strong condemnation against discrimination of Muslims.
Azerbaijan on behalf of the non-aligned movement affirms that human rights need to be addressed in a non-politized global context in a fair and equal manner. Azerbaijan is concerned with addressing country specific issues.
Venezuela on behalf of the link-minded group. Venezuela condemns the violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any parts of the world. Opposes and reject any country specific resolutions and expresses the concern over this continues discriminatory practices. This is of double standard, naming and shaming and involving in country's internal affairs violates universal principles set in the charter. Venezuela is concerned in the continued politization in the council.
Pakistan on behalf of 65 countries state that not interfering with internal affairs of countries represents basic norms in international relations. Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet are China's internal affairs. Pakistan supports China's implementation of 1 country 2 systems in Hong Kong. Pakistan opposes all unfounded allegations against China.
China on behalf of link-minded countries state that countries are involving in countries internal affairs and impose their own values on countries, and this serves serious violations against sovereignty. All parties should adhere to the UN charter. Oppose the use of human rights as a tool to suppress others and serve one self's political agenda.
Azerbaijan on behalf of the cross regional group of countries, state that the landmines continue to affect many countries and civilian lives. Landmines violates people's fundamental right to life. The on-going pandemic has added more burdened.
China on behalf a group of countries, state the concern of human rights violations in the United Kingdom of systemic racism and deep-rooted hate. The UK has made military interventions in other countries, causing causalities and undermining social and economic development. China state that the UK is obsessed with fabricating and releasing deceiving information and point finger against other countries. China urges the UK to face their issues.
Germany calls on the Taliban appointed care-taker cabinet to respect human rights, especially for women and children. In Belarus, violence and oppression against civil society must stop. In China, Germany is gravely concerned about systematic human rights violations, especially in Xinjiang and Tibet. The High Commissioner must be granted access to these regions. In Hong Kong, Germany is concerned with the National Security Law as an erosion of democratic principles. In Iran, violations against women, assembly and freedom of speech. In Myanmar, the human right situation is deteriorating as well as in Russia. Germany calls for the release against all arbitrary detained in Russia.
Armenia state that Azerbaijan has since May 2021 tried to occupy new military outposts and positions in Armenia. There has been continued military expansion and territorial claims against Armenia.
Venezuela rejects in persistent turning this council to a stage of confrontation. Venezuela has complained the ferruginous attacks against Venezuela. There have been baseless allegations against China where China is trying to combat terrorism and in Hong Kong, where they are fought the violations and strictly respected the 1 country 2 system. Venezuela state that this council is losing credibility. Some are baselessly attacking Venezuela.
Japan is concerned with the continued human rights violations in many parts of the world. Challenges remain. In Myanmar, Japan has since the coup strongly urged the military to stop the violence. Japan is further concerned about the situation in Xinjiang and Hong Kong.
Republic of Korea state their concern of the situation in Syria. Korea is alarmed of the air-strikes and destruction of civilian infrastructure. Safe and unhindered access to these areas. In Burundi, Korea remains concerned of continued human rights violations. The worrisome situation in Belarus is of Koreas concern.
Indonesia state that this council should focus on meaningful and concrete human rights protection and promotion on the ground. Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states should be held. Access to vaccines should be prioritized.
Austria fully aligns with the statement of France. On the situation in Myanmar and Belarus, Austria refers to their statement made in the respective interactive dialogues. The situation in Afghanistan is of grave concern, especially concerned of Afghan women and girls. Austria welcomes Burundi to address their human rights situation, which have had a dire record. The suffering in Syria is continuing after 10 years since the start of the conflict.
The Netherlands aligns with the statement of France. In China, Netherland remains concerned about the human rights situation in Xinjiang and Tibet. OHCHR should be granted access. Netherland remains concerned of the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong. The situation in Russia is of concern, where the freedom of speech is restricted. We are also concerned of the situation in Eritrea, where civilians are detained without trial and condemns the presence of Eritrean troops in northern Ethiopia.
Cuba will continue to denounce the use of human rights as an interventionist weapon and this stage of confrontation. Countries undermining dialogue and cooperation must be stopped. Cuba rejects selectivity in dealing with human rights. Cuba rejects turning the council as a tribunal. There is no condemnation of the powerful countries. They openly promote fake news and terrorism.
The Russian Federation state that western countries refuse to cooperate and has a double standard. Human rights violations are in new and old democracies. The political elite in these countries leads to racism and xenophobia. Russia regret that these countries are willing to risk the health of their citizens as they do not recognize vaccines developed outside of the west.
India state that the council has been established for 15 years and it is time to assess its achievements. Human rights have been faced with challenges such as terrorism, violent extremism, climate change, lack of sustainable development and the pandemic. The discourse of the council has been politicized and polarized.
China state that a handful of countries has made unfounded statement on China for political purposes. China opposes them. China state that countries, instead of caring of human rights they care for other countries internal affairs and undermining the stability of retard their development. They should address their own human rights. China has no poverty.
The Czech Republic is concerned with the human rights situation in Belarus. All human rights violations must be investigated. In Russia, media is targeted and call for Alexei Navaly to be released. The Czech Republic condemn the persecution of the opposition and targeting civilians in Venezuela. The recent violence in Afghanistan is concerning and condemn all violence against women and girls. Strongly condemn the attacks in civilians in Myanmar. The Czech Republic is concerned with the conflict in Tigray and concerned with the human rights situation in DPRK.
Pakistan believes that dialogue with the countries concern provides the tools to address human rights concerns. Pakistan invites the council to investigate Jammu and Kashmir, where India has violated international human law and the Geneva convention.
Philippines has called for the council to address non-state actors in human rights situation, to foster dialogue and give positive, concrete and long-term solutions for countries.
Denmark refers on the statement of 26 member states of the European Union as well as the Nordic-Baltic states on the interactive dialogue on Belarus, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Libya, Burundi, South-Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen. Denmark recalls their concern for the situation in Afghanistan. Demark is deeply concerned with the situation in Xinjiang and Tibet in China. In Iran, the detained human rights defenders are of great concern. In Saudi Arabia, implementation of reform initiation is key. Denmark strongly opposes Israel's illegal settlements in Palestine. Egypt is important for the stability in the region but is concerned about the shrinking space for civilians in Egypt. Denmark reiterates the call for the release of Bahrain.
Sudan calls on all countries to pay attention to the council to protect and promote human rights. Important for the council to continue its work to its principles it was set up. Sudan would encourage to reinforce peace and stability and call on the council to aid Sudan. We note the positive progress in Burundi.
Ukraine expresses concern of the human rights situation in Venezuela, DPRK, Myanmar, Burundi, South-Sudan, Syria, Nicaragua and the Russian Federation. The situation in Russia requires attention as it restricts its civilian people of rights. Russia has been encroaching on Ukraine territory.
United Kingdom remains seriously concerned with systematic human rights violations in Xinjiang. There is evidence and UN must have access to Xinjiang. The UK condemn the military coup in Myanmar. The human right situation in South-Sudan is also worrying. Russia must uphold human rights. Syrians continues to suffer human right violations. The increasing of death penalties in Egypt is worrying. The UK welcome Burundi's commitment to improve its human rights.
Uruguay regarding the council's consideration in specific counties, it is important that while complying with its mandate, the human rights council must conduct themselves in non-political fashion.
Uzbekistan is guided by the UN charter. The respect for territorial sovereignty is of fundamental international relations. Uzbekistan has supported for 1 China.
Côte D'Ivoire notes with disappointment, the situation on human rights in the world is still disturbing. We call on all states to take the necessary steps to meet their obligations. The council needs to remain faithful to non-politization, as to the situation in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong should be respected.
France deplores the situation of human rights in crisis areas. The council has an important role in Afghanistan. We need to do more for the civilians in Afghanistan. The situation in Yemen is alarming. It is important to stop violence in Libya. France is concerned about Central African Republic, as violations of human rights by missionaries has occurred. The authorities of China need to allow access. In Belarus, the number of detained is alarming.
Liechtenstein on behalf of the core group on causality recording, state that the causality recording upholds fundamental human values.
Luxembourg endorses the statement made by France that has made on behalf of European Union member state countries and note the alarming violence against civil society in Afghanistan.
Israel remains deeply concerned about the human rights violations in Iran. We are also deeply concerned about death penalties in Iran. The council must urgently address the situation in Iran. There will not be stability in Syria, Lebanon and Yemen if the world does not address Iran's violations.
Australia is concerned about the unfolding human rights crisis in Afghanistan. We will judge the Taliban's on their actions. Australia is concerned about violations against human rights and international humanitarian law in the DPRK, Syria and Yemen. Australia remains concerned about human rights violations against Uyghurs in Xinjiang. We condemn the high death toll in Myanmar and remains concern of the human rights situation in Venezuela.