48th Human Rights Council Reports
Report on the Occupied Palestinian Territories
October 1, 2021: Report of the HC on the allocation of water resources in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and HC oral update on implementation of S-30/1, followed by General Debate.
All sources used to draft the report can be found here. Report drafted by Marc Enzo Belligoi Gomis on October 5th, 2021.
Composition of the HRC
Madam President Nazhat Shameem invited Mr. Christian Salazar Volkmann, Director of the Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, to present the High Commissioner's report on the allocation of water resources in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, as well as to present the HCs oral update on the progress made on the implementation of resolution S-30/1, adopted at the 30th Special Session in May 2021.
Mr. Christian Salazar Volkmann, began his statement by addressing the High Commissioner's report on the allocation of water resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
Mr. Salazar stated that the report found that water is unavailable in a sufficient and continuous capacity in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, with 660.000 Palestinians having limited access to water. The report also addressed the inequality on the distribution between Palestinians and Israelis and how Israeli settlements have taken over, destroyed, or blocked Palestinian access to natural water resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Mr. Salazar stated that the May 2021 escalation of the hostilities damaged many water facilities and that the Israeli restrictions on imported materials to Palestine prevents critical reparations and update initiatives to the water system in the region. The report also stressed that women and girls are particularly impacted by the lack of access to clean water and sanitation for gender specific needs. The effects on the environment were also addressed, emphasizing how the lack of access to water has generated an overexploitation of coastal aquifers, and how the right to water and sanitation is especially critical during the Covid 19 pandemic. Finally, Mr. Salazar stated that the report includes recommendations to all parties to increase efforts to treat and reuse water in the Palestinian occupied territories.
Secondly, Mr. Salazar addressed the Human Rights Council by giving the High Commissioner's oral update on the progress made on the implementation of resolution S-30/1, adopted at the 30th Special Session in May 2021.
According to Mr. Salazar, the resolution decided "to urgently establish an ongoing independent international commission of enquiry, to be appointed by the President of the HRC, to investigate in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem and in Israel. Also, to investigate all alleged violations of international humanitarian law and all alleged violations and abuses of international human rights law leading up to and since April 13th, 2021, and all underlying root causes of recurrent tensions, instability, and protraction of conflict, including systematic discrimination and repression based on national, ethnic, racial, or religious identity." Mr. Salazar followed by detailing the structure of the mandate and the work done by the selected commissioners. Finally, Mr. Salazar reminded the HRC that in September 2021 a call was issued for submissions regarding information and documentation relevant to the mandate.
Madam President Nazhat Shameem opened the General Debate under Item 7.
Statements by the countries concerned
Israel was not present.
Palestine called for the need to ensure equitable access to safe drinking water in the occupied Palestinian territories in accordance with humanitarian international law, which has been rejected by the occupying Israeli power. Palestine stressed the need for Israel to end its apartheid policies, to put an end to their occupation, and to allow Palestinians to implement their right to self-determination. To do so, Palestine called upon the international community to pressure Israel and to ensure the end of the violations of human rights.
Syria expressed gratitude for those countries participating in the General Debate, while criticizing those who claim to be protectors of human rights but who object to the celebration of the General Debate on ITEM 7. Syria also stated that Israel is committing violations of human rights against the people living in the occupied Golan Heights, and condemned Israel for its occupation of Palestine and Lebanese territories.
Statements by Members of the Council
Egypt, on behalf of the Arab Group, called for the need to ensure accountability for the violations of human rights committed by Israel and the need for the end of the occupation. Egypt also stated the importance of the right to water for the full enjoyment of all human rights and stressed the need to recognize an independent Palestine state based on the borders of 1967.
Pakistan, on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), condemned the continuous grave humanitarian law violations and human rights abuses committed by Israel. Pakistan criticized the widespread impunity by the occupying Israeli forces and urged the HRC to uphold its legal obligations and to hold Israel accountable. Finally, Pakistan also expressed support for an independent Palestine state.
Bahrain, on behalf of the Gulf Cooperation Council, expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people and for their right to self-determination. Bahrain also condemned the violations of human rights committed against Palestinians and called for the international community to urge Israel and Palestinians to resume talks for a peace process.
Azerbaijan, on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, stressed the need for Israel to respect international humanitarian law in the occupied Palestinian territories. Azerbaijan also expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people and for their fright to self-determination. Finally, Azerbaijan urged the international community to hold Israel accountable.
Sudan, on behalf of the African Group, took note on the HC's report on the allocation of water in the occupied Palestinian territories and regreted that the HC had not been granted access by Israel to those territories. Sudan also condemned the violations of human rights by Israel and urged the international community to act.
Venezuela condemned the massacre of Palestinian people perpetrated by Israeli forces and the policies of ethnic cleansing imposed by the occupying power. Venezuela also called for the need to guarantee the right to safe drinking water and the right to self-determination for Palestinians. Finally, Venezuela defined as immoral the decision by European countries to not participate in the General Debate.
Senegal stated that the occupied Palestinian territories are in a region described as hot, arid, and por in water, and expressed concern for the effects that climate change will have in the region. Therefore, Senegal demanded the need to ensure the right to water and sanitation immediately.
Bangladesh stated that Israel has been committing systematic violations of international law and regretted that the occupying power continues to expand its settlements. Bangladesh also stressed the need for the international community to hold Israel accountable.
Indonesia condemned the violations of human rights perpetrated by the occupying power. Indonesia also called for the need to immediately address the right to water and sanitation for the Palestinian people and to hold Israel accountable.
Cuba reiterated its condemnation for Israel's occupation and stated that such violations of human rights have the support of the US. Cuba also rejected any unilateral actions which do not support the two-state solution.
The Russian Federation expressed concern for the continuous degradation of the human rights situation in Palestine. Russia also opposed the unilateral actions of Israel which go against international humanitarian law and expressed support for the two-state solution.
Namibia aligned itself with the statement made by the African Group. Namibia called upon the occupying power to bring and end to the violations of human rights and expressed concern for the situation of Palestinian women and gurls under occupation.
China stated that the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories remains volatile and that all parties, but especially Israel, must exercise restraint. China also expressed its support for the two-state solution and a sovereign state of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital.
Mauritania stressed the importance of the General Debate on ITEM 7 and the need for the international community to pressure Israel. Mauritania condemned all violations against human rights in the occupied territories and called for the need for an independent Palestine state.
Libya condemned the continuous violations carried out by the occupying power and stated the importance of the right to water for the Palestinian population. Libya also called upon the international community to ensure accountability by the occupying forces.
Pakistan aligned itself with the statements made by NAM and the OIC. Pakistan expressed concern for the continuous violations of human rights law and stated its support to the two-state solution. Pakistan also stated that the OHCHR should publish the names of the companies who promote the settlement policies of Israel.
Sudan emphasized the need to keep ITEM 7 on the agenda of the HRC. Sudan also expressed its support to the two-state solution and to an independent Palestinian state with the 1967 borders.
Statements by Observer States
Qatar criticized the lack of accountability by the occupying power and called for the international community to investigate violations of human rights committed in Palestine. Qatar also called for the end of the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.
Djibouti expressed concern for the lack of access to water in the occupied territories. Djibouti also stated tis support to the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.
The Sovereign Order of Malta stated that the rights to water and sanitation are fundamental for the full enjoyment of all human rights, especially to the right to health, and called upon all parties in the conflict to ensure equal and fair access to water and sanitation.
Egypt regretted that the OHCHR was not allowed to enter the occupied Palestinian territories. Egypt also called for the need to ensure the rights to water and sanitation and to guarantee accountability in the region.
Kuwait called upon the occupying power to end all crimes against civilians. Kuwait also stated that the integrational community must ensure accountability to prove to the occupying power that there are repercussions.
Luxembourg urged Israeli authorities to allow the OHCHR to renew their work on the ground. Luxembourg also urged Israel to guarantee safe and sustainable access to water and electricity for Palestinians and urged the Israeli authorities to put an end to the blockade in Gaza.
Iraq condemned the annexation of Palestinian territories by Israel and the exploitation of Palestinian natural resources. Iraq also called upon the international community to put pressure on the occupying power and reiterated its support for the right to self-determination for Palestinians.
South Africa expressed concern for the establishment and expansion of Israeli settlements on Palestinian territories, which have a negative impact on the access to water resources for Palestinians.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea aligned itself with the statement made by the NAM. The DPRK expressed concern over the continuous violations of human rights by Israel and expressed its commitment to maintain the ITEM 7 in the HRC agenda.
Morocco reiterated their position in favor of the Palestinian cause and for the two-state solution as the only peaceful solution to the conflict. Morocco also stated the need to protect the historic identity and Islamic heritage of Jerusalem.
Turkey criticized the exploitation by Israel of Palestinian natural resources and stated that Israel is also responsible for vaccinating the population in the occupied territories. Turkey also stated the need for an independent Palestinian state as the only long-lasting solution to the conflict.
Sri Lanka stated that the rights to water and sanitation are critical, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic, and that water should never be used as an instrument for economic and political pressure. Sri Lanka also expressed its support for the two-state solution.
Saudi Arabia expressed appreciation for the Palestinian's government willingness to cooperate with the OHCHR and criticized some countries for boycotting the ITEM 7 discussion. Saudi Arabia also reiterated its support to all efforts which have the aim to achieve peace in the region.
Malaysia urged Israel to immediately stop all violations of human rights and called for the end of the blockade in Gaza and the expansion of settlements in Palestinian territories. Malaysia also stated that the UN and the HRC must be resolute in holding Israel accountable.
Jordan stated that the establishment of a Palestinian state with the 1967 borders is the only way to achieve long-lasting peace in the region. Jordan also called upon Israel to cease the exploitation of Palestinian natural resources and to end all violations of human rights.
Algeria stresses the importance of keeping ITEM 7 on the agenda of the HRC as long as the human rights of Palestinians continue to be violated by Israel. Algeria also expressed interest in the update of the database with the names of the companies which contribute to the illegal settlements.
Yemen stated the need to allow access for Palestinians to the right to water and sanitation. Yemen also called for accountability for Israel and for the need for the international community to guarantee the right to self-determination of Palestinians.
Lebanon condemned al violations of human rights committed by Israel and stated the need for a sovereign Palestinian state as the only peaceful solution to the conflict.
Nigeria aligned itself with the statements made by the African Group, the OIC, and the NAM. Nigeria called upon the international community and the HRC to ensure accountability and the respect of human rights in the region and expressed its support for the two-state solution.
Botswana expressed regret for the lack of cooperation by Israel with the OHCHR. Botswana also stated its support for the two-state solution.
Timor-Leste expressed concern for the continuous dispute between Israel and Palestine and the effects on water right to the population in the occupied Palestinian territories. Timor-Leste also states its support for the two-state
Maldives aligned itself with the statements made by OIC and by the NAM. Maldives stated the need to ensure the right to access safe and clean water and expressed its support for an independent and sovereign state of Palestine.
UAE insisted on the need to deploy further efforts to achieve peace in the region and called for the international community to support the authorities in Palestine, especially in their fight against Covid 19.
Brunei Darussalam stated that health, economic, and social challenges in the occupied Palestinian territories have been exacerbated by the exploitation by Israel of Palestinian water resources. Brunei also expressed support for a sovereign state of Palestine.
Chile called for the end of the blockade of Gaza, which generates difficulties for the peace negotiations. Chile also stated its support for the two-state solution.
Tunisia affirmed its commitment to the ITEM 7 of the HCR and renewed its condemnation of the violations of human rights committed by Israel. Tunisia also stated its support for an independent and free state of Palestine.
Iran stated that the international community has failed to ensure accountability and to put an end to the atrocities being committed against the Palestinian population. Iran also criticized countries such as the US, its allies, and Canada, for providing military, financial, and political support to the occupying power.
The written statements by non-governmental speakers can be found here.