50th Human Rights Council Reports
Report on Racism
CD4PEACE – REPORT OF THE SR on Racism-35th Meeting, 50th Regular Session of Human Rights Council
(05 July 2022)
All sources used to draft the report can be found here. The report was drafted by Chaoyang Quan on July 20h, 2022.
Composition of the HRC
Excellencies distinguished participants. We shall now begin interactive dialogue on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, intolerance. A list of speakers will close in 15 minutes, and it is my pleasure to give the floor to the SR.
Special Rapporteur
The 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals represent marked improvements in many respects over the SDGs and other earlier development plans, due in large part to concerted advocacy by civil society and the work of key national negotiators. The 2030 Agenda rooted its vision for the world's future in peace, justice, equality and human rights, the 2030 Agenda's defining rhetorical commitment. I have received reports from civil society organizations and member states highlighting important initiatives in the collection of disaggregated data on racially marginalized people and development decision-making, and the empowerment of liberal societies that challenge systemic racism. My report finds that, despite its 2030 Agenda and its hopeful rhetoric, it has largely failed to deliver on its promises to leave no one behind when it comes to the principles of racial equality and non-discrimination. My report concludes that the 2030 Agenda is characterized by a shallow commitment to racial justice and equality, and it fails to adequately address systemic racism and xenophobia.
There has been little commitment to racial justice in SDG implementation, as seen by the lack of racial segregation in SDG data targets and indicators. The review's analysis shows that race and ethnicity are often overlooked when countries report on the achievement of the SDGs. Finally, while I acknowledge the progress made towards the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, my report convincingly concludes that the 2030 Agenda cannot in fact fundamentally disrupt the racially entrenched underdevelopment dynamics of the international economic order.
In my report, I articulate the urgent need to decolonize the legal and political system of the global economy, a goal that can only be achieved by breaking down international hierarchies and moving beyond only Eurocentric visions and economic development models and means. In preparing my report, I was struck by the increased institutional focus on racial justice, equality and non-discrimination within some international organizations. It is clear that uprisings for racial justice have mobilized the global community, and in 2020, have dramatically changed the conditions of debate at the United Nations and elsewhere. I wish to express my unwavering support for all those who actively challenge systemic racism within international institutions, and in many cases racially and ethnically marginalized employees in particular volunteer their
agency's work against racism, providing vital leadership, often without pay, to make anti-racism initiatives successful. Institutional leaders must devote the necessary resources and political will to reform, including making their institutions more representative of the populations they serve, especially at the decision-making level. I turn now to my report under General Assembly resolution 76/149 on combating the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and related ideologies. I thank all reporting Member States for their contributions, and I also thank the four NGOs for their reports.
Statements by States and International Organizations
Norway on behalf of the Nordic Baltic countries we welcome the comprehensive report of the special rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism which is an important contribution to the registration of a human rights based implementation of the 2030 agenda. We stay fully committed to combating racism, racial discriminations, and phobias and related intolerance as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In report we see no reference to gender issues linked to racism and discrimination in the context of the sustainable development goals. Women and girls often face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination based on for instance their gender, race, and ethnicity. Let me end by assuring that we will continue combating racism in our own countries as well as internationally thank you.
Brazil thank you vice president I have the honor of taking the floor on behalf of Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Brazil. We reaffirm our commitment to the implementation of the deed and to include the rights of those of African descent. We would make an appeal that appropriate steps be taken to overcome the parties and to eradicate the historic invisibility of this segment of society. We'd like to thank the special rapporteur for recognizing the initiatives in our region that promote the initiatives of local communities to strive towards solutions to social challenges. Current crises have further exacerbated these structural issues. We need to try to promote human rights and ensure that we leave nobody behind. I thank you.
EU wishes to reaffirm its strong commitment to preventing and fighting racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance whenever and wherever they occur. We are also strongly committed to achieving sustainable and inclusive development and to promoting the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights by all individuals without discrimination on any ground. We wish to underline the importance of this agenda and its potential to advance principles of racial equality and non-discrimination. I furthermore wish to underline that the EU is steadfast in its commitment to address the negative impact of the legacies of colonialism; discussing and addressing the issue of colonialism in all its forms is essential combating racism and racial discrimination
Pakistan thanks the special repertoire for the report. We express our serious concerns over systemic systematic targeting of individuals and communities especially based on their religious beliefs. We unequivocally condemn the practice of insulting Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and any other religion. Publishing caricatures in France, burning the holy crown in Sweden and hateful remarks by the spokesperson of India's ruling party are an ugly manifestation of this
condemnable trend. Inciting individuals and entities to denigrate personalities and holy books deeply revered by a large part of humanity for over a millennium is no freedom of expression.
COTE D'IVOIRE The African group wished to thank the special rapporteur for her reports. The African group notes that the 2030 agenda is characterized by a shallow commitment to racial justice and equality. It fails to adequately address the systemic racism and xenophobia that remain barriers to the attainment of the SDGs and that the 2030 agenda failed even to mention that most comprehensive plan of action for combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance within the United Nations system.
Jordan, on behalf of the group of Arab states, expresses its deep concern in the face of the continuing suffering of many segments of society because of discriminatory practices, racism, and xenophobia. We have seen vulnerable people suffering from conflicts such as the Israeli Palestinian conflict. We should make sure that we follow steps to respect human rights. We have seen that these discriminatory and racist practices are still firmly entrenched in spirit and in actions and for some this has become systematic and institutionalized by the forces of order, without mentioning the propagation of extremist speech and extremist Islamic discourse. We've seen a great difference between words and actions. The Arab group would like to take decisive steps to combat racism xenophobia and other forms of intolerance in a comprehensive approach to eradicate crisis.
Brazil I have the honor to speak on behalf of the community of Portuguese speaking countries. We remain committed to eliminate all forms of racism based on discrimination xenophobia and all related forms of hatred and intolerance. SDGs remain the basis of our efforts. COVID-19 contributed to the exacerbation of racial discrimination and xenophobia now more than ever. Actions to combat them are needed. We call upon all states to make the fullest use of the human rights approach which is embedded in the 2030 agenda to step up their actions to combat racism, racial discrimination, and xenophobia.
China I have the honor to speak on behalf of a group of countries. The full list is uploaded onto the extranet. We're deeply concerned that serious violation of human rights of indigenous people, especially indigenous children by some countries who have a history of conducting mass killings of indigenous people and committed genocide in order to both physically and/or culturally eradicate indigenous people. These countries forcibly took indigenous children from their family and the communities and sent them to so-called residential school. The cruel treatment against indigenous people including indigenous children by these countries is an important root cause of the operating system of racism and racial discrimination. We call on a human council to continue to attend to human rights violation against indigenous people by countries in question. Thank you.
Israel Thanks the special reporter for her mandate's attention on the issues of neo-Nazism and other contemporary ideologies in this context. Israel condemns the abundance of misplaced comparisons with Nazi ideology surrounding the war in Ukraine, leading to the trivialization and
distortion of the Holocaust. We call on States and stakeholders to adopt this plan and call on the special operator on racism to cooperate on this topic. However demonizing Israel, accusing Israelis of being Nazis and of manipulating the media and the world superpowers to its interests is a classic anti-Semitic saying. Israel, instead of Jews, does not change this fact. The denial of anti-Semitism in fact hurts honest critics of Israel whose arguments are often distorted and co-opted for hateful agendas.
Peru would like to thank the special rapporteur for the presentation of her reports and we reaffirm our full support to the fight against discrimination and forms of racial discrimination, as well as the achievement of SDGs to fulfill the key promises. The transformative promise of the 2030 agenda was to leave nobody behind. We will have specific days to promote these civil political rights. We are also rolling out a policy for indigenous peoples to ensure the full exercise of the collective rights of indigenous and original peoples. The Vice President of Peru is committed to combating racism and all forms of racial discrimination to try to have more democratic societies.
Ecuador would like to thank the special rapporteur for her reports and we agree that racism, discrimination, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related forms of intolerance should be addressed through an analysis of human rights in a more broader sphere of development. We agree that the 2030 agenda has potential to promote international rights, human rights, and the principles of equality and non-discrimination. Ecuador believes that diversity is a source of cultural richness and a fundamental pillar of its history and identity so we give impetus to the participation of indigenous peoples, Afro-Ecuadorians, and other minor minorities in public life. Finally, we believe that the resurgence of extremist groups and movements should be condemned. We should be on alert and ensure that states adopt comprehensive measures to combat all manifestation be it indirect or direct forms of racism, discrimination, and xenophobia. Thank you.
Libya I would like to thank the special rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance. We commend her on her strong commitment to fighting racism and hope she will continue to work with strong commitment in the future. We are deeply alarmed by discrimination against Africans and persons of African descent in violation of rules of international law rooted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The international covenant on economic, social, and cultural rights. We note that all states must make every effort to respect their obligations under these human rights treaties. It is important to reform police forces and law enforcement agencies so that they are more representative of all social groups and more transparent.
Cuba we are grateful for the presentation of the report and we take note of it. Whilst some continue to ignore the commitments undertaken in the Durban declaration and programme of action, we see the continuation of systemic racism, exclusion, injustice, and hate speech. It's regrettable that two decades after the Durban conference in many parts of the world, particularly in Western countries, which are the most developed, we see violations of human rights based on the color of skin and ethnic origin. Cuba is a unitary Republic that is funded by all for all. It's a country of social justice that is absolutely committed to combating racism and within the Durbin
program of action, there is no structural racism when we constantly work to eliminate any vestiges of racism which is the consequence of the legacy of centuries of exploitation.
Senegal thanks the special reporter for the quality of her report which examines those measures undertaken to combat racism. Forms of racism and the behaviors caused by it are fueled by complex phenomena on the political level and in everyday life at school, in the workplace, in administrations, in transport, in the housing sector, health, leisure, and religious affairs. This is why states must take measures to combat racial discrimination, which is intentional or involuntary on the basis of international human rights law which provides for the possibility for each and every person to exercise all human rights without discrimination.
Iraq welcomes the special rapporteur and thanks her for her report. We confirm that racism, xenophobia, and related intolerance undermine and run fully counter to the principles of the United Nations Charter, equality, and nondiscrimination of fundamental principles of international human rights law. Islamophobia and hate speech, intolerance, discrimination, and relative violence undermine a social fabric and undermine our desire to see a peaceful global coexistence. Vice President, my country prohibits all extremist groups and racist groups from the formation of any political parties which describe two racist philosophers or have ideas which run counter to the principles of democracy and peaceful coexistence of ethnic minorities in the 2030 agenda.
Djibouti My delegation considers that eradicating structural and systemic obstacles in the context of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance is an essential precondition to achieve our goals and to make sure we leave no one behind. However it is a great concern that we see an upward trend in the dissemination of racist and xenophobic ideologies online and offline and a growing influence of reactionary and racist movements in political life in particular amongst opportunist, populist, and far right political leaders.
Bangladesh We shared the concern that racial justice, equality, and non discrimination are not compatible with the existing international economic structures that continue to privilege and benefit developed countries, their corporations and cities and elites at the expense of underdeveloped nations and the vast majority of their populations. We underscored the full realization of the right to development to minimize inequalities and racial discrimination. The Rohingya community in Myanmar has been experiencing state sponsored racism, genophobia, and racial discrimination. Mainstream racial perception and practices against them have violated their human rights and severely impeded their access to livelihoods and development opportunities. Undoubtedly these are gross human rights violations and go against the values and principles.
Morocco. It is not an exhaustive list which shows the importance of combating racism in my country. Morocco in 2011 is ready to leap forward and we commit ourselves under the Durban declaration and program of action to establish a national action plan and to draft law which prohibits all discrimination in particular that's based on color or race and we have established a ministry devoted to equality, a ministry for family and for social solidarity which is responsible for integrating issues of equality
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland thanks the special rapporteur for her report on combating the glorification of Nazism. Let us be clear, neo-Nazism has no place in any of our societies. That is why in 2025 we will open up the Holocaust Memorial and Learning Center to remind us why we must be relentless in the fight against Holocaust denial and distortion, anti-Semitism, and their repellent sibling ideology neo-Nazism. They cause real pain to the victims and survivors of the Holocaust. Putin is trying to distract us and the Russian people with disinformation because he knows as we all do that none of his excuses for invading Ukraine hold water. The simple truth is that Putin is responsible for the needless deaths of thousands of men, women, and children. Special rapporteur, instead of suppressing falsehoods about Ukraine what must the Russian government do to tackle racism, xenophobia and, related intolerance in Russia itself, thank you.
France is fully committed to combating all forms of discrimination. Eliminating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and anti-Semitism and all forms of intolerance are key to human progress and to achieving 2030 agenda for sustainable development. France has adopted the objective in this national strategy to eliminate all discrimination and inequality and to guarantee the same rights, opportunities, and freedoms to all. We are working against all manifestations of hatred and racism. Combating this scourge must be based on fundamental values and on respecting the rights of everyone without any exception. France would condemn Russia's fallacious arguments to invade Ukraine, itself the memory of the millions of victims of Nazism and totalitarianism. France calls upon all states to ratify the International Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination which is in line with this approach. Its complete and effective implementation must be a priority.
Venezuela thanks the special rapporteur for the presentation of our report and we reiterate our support to the mandate in her report. The reporter examines racial justice and equality in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and notes that this instrument is characterized by a superficial commitment through racial justice and equality and does not adequately address systemic racism that continues to represent barriers to the achievement of the SDGs. We're utilizing a multidimensional focus via empowering our most vulnerable social groups without discrimination. Venezuela reiterates its firm commitment to the mechanisms of the UN particularly those created by this council to combat racism and racial discrimination, xenophobia, and unrelated forms of intolerance. Thank you
Bahrain has examined the report of the special rapporteur with interest and we thank the special rapporteur for her detailed presentation of the policies and measures necessary to combat contemporary forms of racism and racial discrimination. Promoting religious freedoms and voting harmony between religions and cultures are the prime objective of our national human rights plan from 2022 to 2026 in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which is in line with the constitution and aims to strengthen and consolidate citizenship in our country
Namibia will deliver the statement on behalf of the African group and we thank the special rapporteur for a report which clearly highlights the shortcomings of the 2030 agenda in addressing the pervasive social evils of racism, racial discrimination, and other related
intolerances. We concur with the special rapporteur that the current International Development framework undermines global efforts to advance racial justice and equality. Namibia is fully committed to implementing the right to development as one of the key solutions in addressing the issues raised in the report of the special rapporteur. The principles of non-discrimination cannot be met until racism and equality of development is at the core of the right to development. States should therefore be guided by the UN declaration on the right to development in the implementation of the development commitments under the 2030 agenda .
Russian Federation We have systemic anti-Russian feeling being whipped up in several western countries. In a situation that has continued to deteriorate, the erasure of Russian speaking minorities in several states has destroyed the principle of the equal rights of those belonging to national and ethnic minorities. We would warn against the pandering to nationalism which is becoming embedded in Ukraine, which will remain a source of racial enmity and the driver of hatred against Russians. As we saw on the eve of the Second World War against the Jews, we see that anyone in Western countries who stands up to the rampant anti-Russian feelings and atmosphere are becoming victims of arbitrary arrests, of show trials just for following their culture and their history and supporting the Russian mass media and maintaining the Russian language, which they have treasured within their families for centuries. If the western community does not know how to achieve ethnic harmony, the Russian Federation is a unique civilization in this sphere and its constituent entities, including Crimea, are prepared to provide an example and we require that this dangerous practice of racial discrimination be brought to an end immediately.
Belgium There can be no doubt that the notion of equal opportunities is contingent on the absence of any form of discrimination and underpins the realization of the potential and aspirations of each and every person. As such, the elimination of contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance is at the heart of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and the commitment to leave no one behind despite longstanding and extensive legal and institutional frameworks as well as efforts to deal with the colonial legacy.
Australia Australia recognizes the strength of diversity, including the important contributions from indigenous peoples. It is critical that people from minority groups can participate directly in international discussions. The Australian foreign minister has announced that she will appoint an ambassador for First Nations peoples to help place indigenous Australians' experiences at the heart of Australia's international engagement. What more can we do to ensure that indigenous peoples, ethnic and religious minorities are represented in the UN system including as employees of UN agencies and through state based appointments. Thank you.
Malaysia Vice President, Malaysia thanks this special reporter for her report. Malaysia wishes to embrace inclusiveness and instill the spirit of empathy, mutual respect, and peaceful causes for everyone. Thank you.
Saudi Arabia As hostility between peoples are heightened, attributable to the ongoing discriminatory and racist measures based on religion, race, and society, in some societies the international community should carefully consider more effective means to address this
escalating phenomenon. It is a disturbing fact that racist rhetoric and practices are no longer confined to certain members of communities over the years. They have insidiously proliferated and come to constitute a systematic policy in some governments and parliaments. They're rooted in the legal framework and propogate unjustified as though they are an integral element of human rights, thereby creating inter-communal divisions based on ethnic, racial, and religious differences, affecting the social fabric and the spirit of citizenship in such communities.
Egypt is deeply concerned with the persistence of diverse contemporary forms of racism, and racial discrimination, particularly against Muslims, targeting migrants, refugees, and those under occupation. We regret that some of these discriminatory practices are implemented in an institutionalized and systematic manner by law enforcement agencies and other senior officials. We are deeply concerned by the treatment of migrants and persons of African descent facing discrimination and ill-treatment in many states, especially in the EU where we continue to see incidents where scores of migrants lose their lives and others where excessive force is used by the police against persons of African descent. It is important for states to fulfill their international obligations under the international human rights law.
China appreciates the focus of the special rapporteur on the impact of colonialism on racism and sustainable development. Colonialism once wreaked havoc on the world and even today its legacy still profoundly affects World Peace and development, hampering many developing countries' prospects of achieving sustainable development. It is also a source of inequality among countries and the root cause of systemic racism in some countries. China does not agree with the mention in the report of ecological migrants on the Tibetan plateau in some areas plagued with harsh living conditions and frequent natural disasters. The government has relocated the population on a voluntary basis according to the principle of proximity and convenience, at the same time different sectors suitable to local conditions have been developed creating jobs and more income for the relocated people improving their overall access to education, healthcare, and other public services and effectively preserving traditional cultures.
India It is regrettable that the international community is still witnessing intensified forms of racial inequality, finding that the 2030 agenda fails adequately to address systemic racism and xenophobia. We believe that stark and persistent economic inequality is fueling one of the factors of that racial bias. Special measures and affirmative action in favor of socially and economically disadvantaged segments of society is essential to combat discrimination and break the link between poverty and racism. Implementation of the rights to development is considered one of the most important tools to achieve it. In conclusion let me reiterate that India remains fully committed to eliminating all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance and thank you Madam Vice President.
Algeria thanks the special rapporteur for her report and we reiterate our support to the mandate. We reiterate the importance of respecting the Durban declaration and programme of action to tackle all forms of racism. We need to address the structural forms of racism that have exacerbated new phenomena such as neo-Nazism, Islamophobia, hostility against people of African descent, and the use of digital platforms to spread hate speech against these groups, Madam Vice President. We express our concern for the rights of people of African descent. We
need to try to scale up our efforts to respect the human rights of all migrants without any form of discrimination
Greece Racism has many root causes and there are accentuating circumstances that render the problem more complicated. As per your report on combating the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism, and other practices, Greece has reestablished the National Council against racism and intolerance in an effort to tackle racism and discrimination, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and intolerance. Greece, as an adamant supporter of the freedom of expression and opinion, is working hard to tackle hate speech, including hate speech directed against journalists and media professionals. Just a few days ago we participated in the informal high-level meeting to mark the commemoration of the first International Day for countering hate speech and we will continue working with all relevant stakeholders against extremism and populism including with your mandate.
Portugal We agree we need to use a test framework to promote racial equality and racial justice. We thank the special rapporteur for her report on combating glorification of Nazism and we concur with her condemnation of Russia for using the fight against neo-Nazis as a false pretext to justify the brutal and unjustified aggression against Ukraine. Madam Vice President, Portugal is committed to the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related forms of intolerance as a priority. We urge all states to fully implement the International Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination and the Durban declaration and program of action internally. We strive to implement our national plan to combat racism discrimination 2125.
Belarus is concerned about the upsurge in manifestations of discrimination, intolerance, violence and nationalist extremism. The well-known problem of systemic discrimination against the Russian speaking population in the Baltic states has been joined by large scale discriminatory actions in EU countries against Russian speaking citizens including Belarussians. They are not only experiencing every day domestic Russophobia but also discrimination in such spheres as sports, education, culture, healthcare, finances, and travel, in essence the promotion of a Russian phobia and the sanctioning obsession of western politicians are contributing to fermenting inter-civilizational conflict in Europe. We urge the mandate holder to assess these processes objectively and impartially and respond in the strongest possible terms to factor in discrimination against Russians and Belarussians and to seek the restoration of their rights. The problems of systemic discrimination are reflected in the latest report of the Belgian foreign ministry on the most resonant cases of human rights violations in certain countries in the world which was published yesterday on the Russian foreign ministry website. Thank you.
Georgia signed a memorandum on cooperation to create a joint system for crimes committed on grounds of intolerance despite national developments. In my country, towards the fight against discrimination, the human rights situation in regions occupied by Russia remains alarming, including discrimination on the ethnic grounds including but not limited to touch and other forms of ill-treatment, infringements on the right to life right, to liberty, and security of persons to the right to health.
Afghanistan welcomes the report of the special rapporteur. Afghanistan is a party to the convention against all forms of racial discrimination. Still the Taliban is carrying out a violent and systematic targeting of ethnic and religious minorities in a country composed of diverse ethnic groups. The Taliban pattern of operation is deeply troubling. These include ongoing attacks against Shia, Sikh, and Sufi communities near the marks of crimes against humanity, and the required documentation, investigation, and accountability from targeted killings and arbitrary detentions, to torture and forced displacement are a necessity. Minorities have been facing an escalating campaign of human rights violations. Now their situation is becoming one of institutionalized discrimination.
South Africa is concerned about the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 within and among countries which mirrors the colonial hierarchies born out of failures to redress the effects of racism rooted in slavery, colonialism, and apartheid. We believe that the idea of selecting and dictating the terms of who is worth saving cannot be decoupled from its colonial origins. As such, the term vaccine apartheid accurately describes a phenomenon that has been in place for much of the pandemic. The monopolized authority to dictate the terms of who is worth saving has tragically again become evident in the vastly differentiated treatment of Africans fleeing from armed conflict in Europe or in their own countries when they try to seek refuge in the global north.
Bolivia, we greet the special rapporteur, and reiterate our support to mandate the end of 2019 as a result of a coup d'etat. Bolivia went through one of the most complex crises in modern times according to the report of the interdisciplinary group of independent experts. The instances of violent human rights violations in Bolivia and the actions of the de facto government such as the elimination of official spaces, undermine the secular state, hate speech, and undermine the rights of indigenous communities. The president, having signed the protocol, had an agreement with the RCHR to continue to implement the recommendations given to it. Bolivia continues to combat racism and all forms of discrimination. We want to ensure that these actions are not repeated. We are grateful for your support along this road. Thank you.
Argentina agrees with the vision expressed by the special rapporteur regarding the need for a paradigm shift and the implications that this would mean for development and the interconnected notice of racial inequality. I'd like to highlight that in my country the National Institute against discriminations created an institution for the historic memory of the Afro-Argentine people, with a specific focal point to deal with the requests of this community. This is a community that is historically invisible and marginalized and this is the product of structural racism. In turn, we have an inter-ministerial table to try to mainstream public policy in terms of combating racism and promoting the rights of persons of African descent. We are also working on a national Afro plan which will be launched in the coming weeks.
Costa Rica thanks you for your reports. We agree that racial injustice, systemic racism, and xenophobia are scourges that requires special attention due to the harmful consequences on the lives of ethnic and racial minorities and thier ability to exercise their human rights, including the right to development. In the case of people of African descent, in the 2030 agenda, although they're not mentioned, this presents a great opportunity for states to fulfill the promise of leaving
nobody behind and to not overlook the most vulnerable. We need to have disaggregated data in order to more precisely see where the greatest challenges lie.
Malawi commends the special rapporteur for the detailed report. We agree with the special rapporteur's observation that despite its many positives, the 2030 agenda is incapable of fundamentally disrupting the dynamic of the racially discriminatory underdevelopment embedded in the international economic order and that the development framework, including the agenda, preserves colonial injustice, perpetuates the domination of powerful nations over peoples and territories that were subject to historical colonial extraction, and preserves the structure of racial discrimination within nations and of course unless we are willing to confront these two issues decisively and frankly, we will be sitting here ten years from now singing from the same song script. That is why Malawi has consistently advocated for a reform of the international order which as we have seen in its current form is a major enabler and sustainer of racism. Malawi will play its part domestically to eradicate racism and any other form of discrimination.
Ukraine As is mentioned in the relevant report, attempts to justify the unprovoked invasion of a sovereign state is a blunt instrumentalization of the serious human rights concerns. In the case of Russia however this is not merely another propaganda stunt but a purposeful attempt to distort what this country itself personifies, extreme nationalism, disdain for human rights, supremacy of the security apparatus, cult of tradition, identification of enemies as a unifying cause, controlled mass media, obsession with national security, and the intertwining of government and religion, which unites these characteristics of modern day Russia. It is time to recognize that Putin's Russia is a textbook case of a fascist regime, and the personality cult of a violent dictator whose imperial ambitions bring so much suffering and destruction. The international community should stay united in stopping the evil of Russia before it further undermines international order and human rights.
Luxembourg aligning itself with this statement from the European Union delegation, would like to thank the special rapporteur for her reports and particularly for her analysis of the role of these sustainable development goals and the 2030 agenda in combating racism. Luxembourg echoes the recommendation of the special rapporteur that all stakeholders of development should lobby resources and political will. This approach should be implemented both by international stakeholders and multilateral stakeholders and member states at all levels with strategies of equitable inclusive policies that are based on human rights and and each should fully consider the link between sustainable development and racial equality.
United States of America We are committed to working with civil society and other stakeholders to achieve equity throughout our society. The United States is committed to doing this work. We remain deeply concerned by persistent violence around the world motivated by racism and xenophobia. In my own country the recent tragic killing of 10 black Americans in Buffalo, NY and an increase in hate crimes against Americans of Asian descent are reminders of the continued human cost of racism. The United States condemns the Russian Federation's cynical manipulation of quote "Nazism" in an attempt to justify its illegal invasion of Ukraine. As the daughter of a Holocaust survivor I find it not only abhorrent but also personally offensive.
Indonesia We thank the special reporter for sharing her report. Indeed racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance remain to be serious obstacles to the realization of inclusive and sustainable development, notably by contradicting the principle of leaving no one behind. For precisely this reason, a state party to desert Indonesia continues to strengthen national mechanisms to protect all citizens from racial discrimination including in the context of development. To ensure that all persons can meaningfully partake in public and political life without discrimination as well as provide avenues for affirmative action to ensure equitable outcomes.
Barbados The report underscores the need to address and evaluate progress in eradicating systemic racism and racial and ethnic discrimination across the sustainable development goals. Racism, particularly institutional racism, is totally without justification. We therefore support the monitoring of progress in reducing inequalities, in particular those rooted in structural and systemic discrimination and in the adoption of measures aimed at the reduction of inequalities between states with particular regard for the right to development, more must be done
Iran Institutionalized racism originates from an embedded feeling of privilege, priority, impunity, and entitlement dating far back to the colonial era. It will not disappear so long as the mentality that justifies race back to superiority prevails. Madam President, we express our deep concern about the assessment of the special rapporteur that institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territories entails systematic violation of the rights of Palestinians to self-determination and this is not a surprise that as a result, Palestinians in the occupied territories are denied avenues of sustainable development through a military apartheid regime. We are also gravely concerned by recent reports about the Indian act of Canada and its failure to recognize the status of future generations of indigenous people. Such legislation is exemplary of a long standing policy of marginalization toward native.
Armenia All human beings by virtue of their humanity should enjoy all human rights without discrimination on any grounds. Armenia agrees with the special rapporteur that dissent based discrimination should be challenged as racist in this context. In Azerbaijan prejudice against Armenians is so ingrained that describing someone as an Armenian in the media is considered to be an insult. That justifies initiating judicial proceedings against the persons making such statements.
Turkey Racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, intolerance and hate speech are disturbing peace throughout the world. We observe with grave concern the growing tendency to resort to the Islamophobic and xenophobic rhetoric as a tool to further narrow political agendas. Many credible reports in Western countries consistently reflect the increase of Islamophobic attacks, while racial and ethnic profiling, and police violence are on the rise. Strengthening current mechanisms and establishing new platforms to reach the victims so they can directly report incidents can constitute concrete steps in the right direction. It is high time for us to revive dialogue if we promote a culture of living together. We risk damaging our common democratic values and social cohesion within the UN.
European Union On behalf of a group of countries, I had the honor to deliver this joint statement on behalf of the 27 EU member states as well as Canada, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand,
Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America. Reacting to the statement on behalf of the Russian Federation delivered by a representative of the administration regarding the illegally annexed autonomous Republic of Crimea. We would like to recall the relevant UN General Assembly resolutions which define statues of the territory of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as an integral part of Ukraine. We reaffirm our commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, extending to its territorial waters. We condemn in the strongest terms the ongoing aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in violation of the UN charter and also fundamental principles .
Belarus takes the floor raising a point of order to ask through you the secretariat to explain an issue of illegal nature. First of all, we are interested to know why a group of countries can speak on behalf of a group of countries like that. Secondly it seems to us that the EU statement is more of a procedural statement than a substantive one. Therefore we call on you to assess.
European Union We continue with this statement. We condemn in the strongest terms the ongoing aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in violation of the UN charter and other fundamental principles of international law. We condemn and do not recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol by the Russian Federation. We therefore urge the Russian Federation to refrain from letting any representative of the administration in this illegally annexed territory intervene on its behalf within the Human Rights Council as well as in any other international forum.
Palestine The Israeli colonial military occupation that continues to abolish all means of development in Palestine in addition to an ongoing plan of confiscation, continuous exploitation of Palestinian financial and natural resources, Westpac fragmentation due to the supply expansion, and the Gaza Strip blockage. The future of the Palestinians lie in the emancipation from Israeli colonial occupation, sovereignty over their lands, and controlling their capabilities and natural resources. Despite the shortcomings of the 2030 agenda and dealing with the issue of sedimentation, National Liberation and Independence as TG16 and SDG 11 provide grounds for the international community to advocate for Palestinians' right to realize their national goals and mostly the elimination of software occupation. This will contribute to building prospects and hope for future generations not to mention realizing development prosperity and to live in dignity and freedom. In this regard we call on the international community to abide by their obligations under international law to put an end to the Israel apartheid system and colonial occupation and mobilize their political will to end the cycle of impunity.