Iran and U.S. - JCPOA Nuclear Talks

This week has marked the return of dialogue between the States concerned by the JCPOA (Iran nuclear deal). The plan of action adopted on October 18, 2015 aims to avoid nuclear proliferation through limiting the nuclear programme of Iran and lifting sanctions against the country. Nevertheless, on May 2018 the United States announced their withdrawal of the JCPOA and the reestablishment of sanctions against Iran. On April 6, 2021 Iran and the United States agreed, through indirect talks in Vienna, to cooperate in order to both lift US sanctions against Iran and limit Iran's enrichment of uranium. The Parties formally agreed to establish two working groups in that regard. Such synchronisation has been warmly welcomed since both Iran and the United States have been waiting for the other to make the first move. However, and having in mind that no direct talks have happened between US and Iran representatives, the dialogue remains fragile and prone to political factors, such as the agreement of the US parliament on any lifting of the sanctions. Moreover, tensions have been rising with an attack on nuclear facility in Iran resulting in a blackout at the Natanz's nuclear facility. It has been said that Israel was responsible of the attack, but the country not officially recognized any involvement.

CD4Peace draws attention to how geopolitical tensions remain and have been rising, even in the context of the renewal of (diplomatic) dialogue. CD4Peace believes such events denote a lack of efficiency of such dialogue or peace talks and calls for constructing and convening such talks with full inclusion in mind, through notably involving all Sates concerned as well as CSOs representatives. CD4Peace recommends all Parties to strive for de-escalation and to look for common grounds and ties upon which a peaceful future can be built.


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