Negotiation on Situation in Afghanistan in Istanbul
On April 24 2021, talks about the situation in Afghanistan were due to take place in Istanbul following the Doha meeting in February. Chaired by Turkey, Qatar and the United States, the meeting aimed to discuss the situation in Afghanistan following the announcement of the withdrawal of American troops by the Biden administration. While the previous US administration wants troops to withdraw for May 1, the new president has finally postponed this date to September 11.
Moreover, the talks ultimately did not take place in Istanbul following the declared absence of the Taliban. Thus, the discussion was postponed until after the month of Ramadan (mid-May) without specifying a date. Indeed, Turkey insisted on including all parties in the discussion. Or, the Taliban refuse to participate while foreign troops are in the country. The Turkish, Pakistani and Afghan foreign ministers discussed the need to include all parties concerned in order to establish viable and inclusive negotiations. Discussions between the Afghan government and the Taliban are essential in order to reduce violence in the territory. However, the United States has some doubts about the success of negotiations with the Taliban. Turkey, Pakistan and Afghanistan are enthusiastic about finding a solution and strongly recommending a ceasefire.
CD4Peace encourages discussion between different parties. A viable solution can only be found as a leader towards an inclusive process. CD4Peace encourages the countries in question to remain in this diplomatic process in order to stabilize the situation in Afghanistan.
Photo Credit; https://twitter.com/MevlutCavusoglu/status/1385610173721546757/photo/1