Progress Report on Sustainable Development Goal 5
Goal 5 of the sustainable development goals focuses on striving for and maintaining a future of gender equality. A healthy society is a balanced one and currently that balance is nowhere near being an actual reality.
A recent report from UN Women states that 'if current trends continue more than 340 million women and girls will be living in poverty by 2030'. The outlook for food insecurity is just as drastic with a projected ¼ of women and girls suffering from the effects. Current climate trends have also indicated that, in the worst case climate scenario, '158.3 million more women and girls will go into poverty, 16 million more than the projection for men and boys'. As time progresses with little to no evolution on the part of this goal it has been shown that women and girls will work 2.3 more hours per day on unpaid care and domestic work than men and boys. The same report highlights that no country has come anywhere close to eliminating domestic/household violence against women and girls and that there is currently no projection of any evolution on this portion of the goal. Current trends also reveal that older women face higher rates of violence than older men. There is still an entrenched imbalance between women and men in positions of leadership, authority, and power across the globe and all projections reveal that this will remain the status quo for the foreseeable future.
Sustainable Goal 5 has effects in every other SDG. Without the balance Goal 5 would bring to the global society every other goal's achievement would still lack a vital and necessary component. Without realizing the importance of balance in the society the completion of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals will be impossible.
CD4Peace urges all involved parties to reconsider their policies regarding the fulfilment of Goal 5, while also encouraging the inclusion of NGOs and grassroots movements. We believe it is vital that governments halt the claw-back of this goal, especially in terms of protection of women and young girls.