Congo: Attack on Peacekeepers in North Kivu

On May 10, 2021, MONUSCO (United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo) suffered the loss of a Malawian peacekeeper. The attack occurred in North Kivu, near Beni and was probably carried out by the ADF (Allied Democratic Forces). This rebel group has been active in the region since the 90s.

The instability of the region is the consequence of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and of the Second Congo War in 1999. The region is also very rich in natural resources which causes a war of control of territory and resources. Unfortunately, this is not the first time that the ADF has attacked MONUSCO, it already happened in 2017 in an attack that killed 15 peacekeepers and injured 44 Tanzanians.

The creation of MONUSCO, initially MONUC, dates from November 30, 1999 following Security Council resolution 1279. MONUSCO's goal is to protect civilians and help stabilize and strengthen state institutions. The UN Security Council strongly condemned the attack on peacekeepers and stressed the importance of ensuring the ideal conditions for the pursuit of the mandate.

CD4Peace supports organizations affiliated with the United Nations working for peacekeeping and deplores the loss of a soldier. CD4Peace understands the importance of such a mission and encourages the parties to find a ground for non-violent dialogue.

Photo Credit: UN peacekeepers and Congolese troops face attacks from several militia groups in North Kivu - Image Source : Reuters,


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