Europe's First-Ever Climate Law

On the 21st of April, the European Council's and Parliament's negotiators reached a provisional political agreement on Europe's first-ever Climate Law. By doing so, the E.U. wrote into stone the goals set out as part of the European Green Deal, i.e. a climate-neutral EU by 2050 and a collective net greenhouse gas emission reduction target of at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990.

The provisional agreement also refers to the establishment of a European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change, which should be composed of 15 senior scientific experts coming from different member states with no more than two experts holding the same nationality for a mandate of four years. The board, which is meant to be independent, will notably be in charge of providing scientific advice and reporting on EU measures, climate targets, and indicative greenhouse gas budgets so they are aligned with the European Climate Law and European commitments under the Paris Agreement.

The provisional agreement has to receive approval from EU institutions before being legally adopted.

CD4Peace welcomes this development and encourages further legislative action to be implemented to combat climate change.


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